Whether you need a temporary office on a building site or a well-equipped office in a remote location, container house provide an ideal solution. Made of strong, sturdy steel, they are available in several different sizes offering limited options for mobile offices.
The biggest advantage of using container house for mobile offices is that they may be used to provide instant office space anywhere. Conversions are quick and easy, and the full range of finishes will produce anything from a budget office set-up to bespoke designs that incorporate ablutions, conference rooms, and first aid facilities.
Other advantages include:
The opportunity to create plug-and-play solutions that are assembled in factory conditions and then transported to site. All that is required before the office space is up and running is to connect electricity and, if relevant, plumbing so that running water and ablutions are available.
The opportunity to reuse mobile offices when they are moved to second and subsequent sites because they are so easy to modify after initial conversion.
A global reach not affected by the remoteness of any area. K-homehas offices and various production facilities throughout South Africa and parts of East Africa, including Kenya and Tanzania, and in the Middle East.
Cost-effectiveness and the chance to erect office space quickly and easily without having to cover the normally predictable costs that are associated with buying or constructing office premises.
Minimal groundwork is required for mobile offices created from containers. Most importantly, you don't need to dig and construct substantial concrete foundations that require both labour, materials and a larger budget.